再婚相手の連れ子・夕莉は甘えん坊すぎる。「お風呂やんや!」なぜかお風呂に入るのが苦手。いつもはお母さんと一緒に入っているのに母親不在の期間がやってきてしまったことからこの物語は始まる…。「お風呂怖いからパパと一緒に入る!」いい歳して絶対に1人では入れない夕莉としぶしぶ入浴するとツンツンいじいじイタズラ!振り払おうと夕莉の方をみると立派に成長したおっぱいがぷるんっ!なんとか理性を保つものの、カラダは素直に勃起してしまい、夕莉もまたそのギンギン棒に興味を持ってしまい…。激レアシャンプーシーンも収録した意欲作! Yuuri, the stepchild of his second marriage, is too spoiled. She says, “Take a bath!” For some reason, she doesn’t like taking baths. The story begins when she usually comes with her mother, but her mother is away for a period of time… “I’m scared of baths, so I’m going to take a bath with my dad!” Yuuri, who is old enough to never take a bath by herself, reluctantly takes a bath and gets pranked! When I looked at Yuuri to shake it off, I saw that her breasts had grown nicely and were jiggling! Although she manages to maintain her rationality, her body obediently becomes erect, and Yuuri also becomes interested in the penis… An ambitious work that also includes a super rare shampoo scene! -